Steve Ostrow Entertainment LLC is a multi functional company providing entertainment management on many levels, from talent, event production services, PR and marketing services as well as Ostrow Music Group, providing music management, music publishing and promotion.
The alternative model category has grown into a very viable part of todays modeling industry. We represent clients who otherwise would not be picked upped by mainstream agencies and clients who represent niche markets who’s presence in the fashion world is growing. This also includes street cast, helping studios find the right “street model” to fulfill real character roles in film and tv. Tour management, theatrical, dance, musicals, non-theatrical shows and concerts. If your interested in finding out what we can do for your show please contact our tour management group for more information. Projects are now in the works for the 2025 tour season.
Our marketing and production services has spread further into the ever growing market of virtual events, our expertise in live online events will allow your company to continue to provide live seminars, training as well as interactive Q & A sessions. Please contact our marketing and production services group for specific information regarding your needs.
With a combined 35 years in the industry we are able to provide you with development, career guidance and our experience in the industry bringing to you our ongoing relationships with talent agents, designers and those that can provide our models with opportunities which you may otherwise never get.
We represent talent globally from our offices in Chicago & Las Vegas USA.